Kursus Kebolehkesanan Halal dan Keselamatan Makanan

Food Safety & Halal Traceability Training


What is Traceability System?

Traceability is the ability to access any or all information about a product throughout its life cycle by using a system of recorded identification. 

Food traceability refers to the systems that trace the flow of food through the food supply chain, including through production, processing and distribution and make it possible to locate a product at any stage of the food supply chain. This means affected products can be recalled and removed from sales, thus reducing outbreaks of foodborne illness and Halal issue on wide scale.

To summarise, the more information is known about a food item in the supply chain, the easier it is to mitigate risks. This not only saves people from getting ill, but also saves money and time. 

What is the importance of food traceability?

Traceability allows food businesses to target the products(s) affected by a food safety or Halal problem, minimising discruption to trade and any potential public health risks. Its important for all food businesses (including retailers and importers) to be able to trace products.

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Course Content


  • Material and Product Identification
  • Traceability System in Food Industry
  •  Product Recall Procedure
  • Product Recall Investigation

Course Outcome

Peserta akan dapat:

  • Memahami dan meningkatkan kesedaran kakitangan syarikat mengenai prinsip utama Halal dan Haram
  • Memupuk nilai tanggungjawab kakitangan syarikat untuk menjaga etika dan disiplin dalam pematuhan kepada piawaian halal.
  • Kakitangan syarikat akan memahami punca kepada pembatalan dan penarikan balik sijil oleh JAKIM
  • Kakitangan syarikat akan memahami aspek-aspek amalan pengendalian makanan yang baik dalam mengekalkan Jaminan Halal produk.
Tempoh Latihan

4 jam

Bahasa Digunakan

English & Bahasa Malaysia

Pilihan Latihan

Public & In House

Siapa Yang Patut Menghadiri Kursus Ini?

Sasaran Peserta:

  • Semua orang terlibat dalam pengeluaran, penyediaan, pengendalian, dan penyimpanan makanan halal.

Sasaran Organisasi

  • Syarikat Pengilang Makanan, Hotel, Restoran, Katering makanan, Sembelih, Perkhidmatan makanan, Perkhidmatan penghantaran makanan, Dapur hospital, Universiti.

Soalan Lazim


Penyedia Latihan Berdaftar & Bertauliah



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